I’ve made a lot of professions in my life. My first one was when I was 8 years old. I honestly don’t remember anything about that profession. All I remember is that the Pastor of our church had come over to our house one night, talked with me, and then the next Sunday I was baptized.
My second profession was made at my kitchen table. I was 21. A friend of mine had brought over a Gospel Tract, and after reading this tract, my friend turned to me and said, “Are you saved?” The fear of hell had me repeating the ‘Sinners Prayer’ found on the back of that tract. When I went to church the following Sunday and told the Pastor of that church that I ‘had gotten saved,’ he had his wife come over to speak with me. She led me to the Altar and said, “Repeat after me.” She then led me in the same ‘Sinner’s Prayer.’ When I had finished repeating that prayer, I asked her, “Why did I have to pray that again.?” Her reply, “Just in case you missed something.”
Confusion and doubt began at that moment.
My third profession of faith was made in a church we served in over in England. I was 27. It was our first experience in an Independent, Fundamental, KJV, Baptist Church. The standards were extremely high, and so it was very easy to doubt my previous professions, simply on the fact that my life was not like those around me. So, I prayed again. And you know what? I knew immediately after I prayed that I did not get saved, and yet the fear of what others would say, and for pride, I went through the motions of baptism. But I was miserable inside. I kept asking myself, “Why is Salvation so hard?” “What am I doing wrong?”
When we moved to ND, we began attending and serving at NTBC. I would have my moments of doubts, but would shrug them off. But on July 5, 1995, I could no longer shrug off the doubt. It was during Family Camp. Brother Silcox preached and I will never forget the first words out of his mouth: “If you are constantly doubting your salvation, it’s because you probably aren’t saved!” My question was finally answered! I came under conviction. It was now or never! I was going to get this settled because I refused to live like this anymore! I did not worry about what others might say or think, I just knew I needed to be saved! Brother Silcox went on preaching how the Holy Spirit will bare witness with our Spirit, letting us know that we are truly the sons of God. My continued doubts, my unchanged lifestyle all revealed that I was truly lost and in need of a Saviour. I went forward that night to place my Faith and Trust in Jesus Christ. What He did on the cross for my sins. Not in the words I prayed, not in anything that I could do or say, but in Christ Alone. I felt the Holy Spirit’s Conviction, His Call, and I came to Him. I made a conscience decision based on the condition of my heart and nothing else. John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”
I have never doubted my salvation again.
So my question to you is: What is the Something, or the Someone keeping you from the Saviour?
Warren Wiersbe once said, “There is a difference between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is the matter of mind: we cannot understand what God is doing or why He is doing it. Unbelief is a matter of will: we refuse to believe God’s Word and obey what He tells us to do.”