Let us worship Christ together!

Jered Lundeby

My name is Jered Lundeby.  I was raised in a Christian home and always attended a bible-preaching church.  I learned the bible and its truths from the time I was able to talk and memorized bible verses growing up.  I knew who Jesus was and what he did and could tell anyone about it from my head knowledge, but not from my heart.  I prayed a prayer a couple of times when I was younger, and I wanted to be saved.  My heart was rebellious, even though I wanted to do what was right.  I always went to church, but I also always had a draw toward the things that the world had to offer.

 I eventually got into the party scene and was all in at every opportunity I had to join it.  I still would go to church on Sunday morning after a long Saturday night of partying and when convicted about my life and my sin, I would justify myself.  I would convince myself that I just needed to do what was right and I would be fine because I was saved and just not living right.  My heart was deceiving me and was desperately wicked. 

Thankfully I had praying parents and specifically a praying mother!  One night, after I went out with a friend for a while, I came home after a few hours of partying and expected to go straight upstairs to my room.  My parents had some good news that they had been waiting to tell me and when I walked in the front door, they instantly knew what I had been up to.  After talking for a few minutes, my mom asked me why I was doing this?  The answer finally came from God and out my mouth, “Because I am not saved.”  God had finally broken though my pride and allowed me to see myself. 

I’m so thankful for parents that cared enough to confront me with the sin they saw in me with a concern that God would show me my condition and He did.  I was not in any condition to make a spiritual decision right then, so they told me to sleep on it.  Well, I didn’t get much sleep that night, but in the morning, I went to work.  My dad had to give me a ride and when I got out he said, “Don’t forget what we talked about last night.”  He was the last person to see me as a lost hell bound sinner, because about 15 minutes later I knelt down in the back office and repented of my sin and accepted Christ as my savior!

 I’m so thankful for God’s mercy and longsuffering in my life and for giving me a new heart!  GOD IS GOOD!

Psalm 150:6 “Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD, Praise ye the LORD.”